Kate: "Who..in...gods..."
Grandma: "Goooooood Morning girls! I hope you slept all right. Time for breakfast, Poppa's made you waffles! "
Sam [quoting Shrek]: "And in the morning...I'm making waffles!"
[Muffled voice coming from a lump shaped like] Fran: "How are you awake right now?"
[Muffled voice under a pillow] Kate: "Seriously..."
Sam: "I dunno, but GET UP or I'll start jumping on you"
Fran: "Five more minuuuuutes"
Sam: "K, fine."
Grandma: "Come into the Kitchen girls when you're ready"
Kate: "Poppa these are sooooo good!"
Fran: "Pass me the strawberries and whip cream please"
Grandma: "Homemade cream ladies"
Sam: "Nothing better than Grandma's cream, Mmm Mm Mmmmmm"
Kate: "So beachin' it today?"
Sam: "Yeah I'll call Tere after breakfast and we'll head down to the fish house"
Fran: "Why the restaurant?"
Grandpa: "They keep their boat on the dock at the fish house because it's easier to get to Key Waiden"
Kate: "Ohhh I see...well lets go get ready shall we?"